Thursday, July 16, 2009

The trick is to keep breathing

Disillusionment seems to be a trend nowadays with the generation that can define now as the time of prime youth.We...well let me generalize, i am a comrade in the crowd,we know that we are gonna be obsolete, our thoughts are gonna be obsolete, we see it happening among our younger cousins or, the lucky few who have nieces or nephews.

Unfortunately, we also see that current philosophies and dogmas have already become obsolete for us to follow and revel in the glory of life.So, has the flame been snuffed out before it could ignite any meaningful spawns of great thoughts and deeds for the future? Maybe, or maybe there is a cold draft blowing that chills everyone to the bone currently...

Too poetic? Maybe, but what can you do in the midst of all this negativity clouding your thoughts and others whom you suppose you idealize (now you are not even sure that you do!)

The answer, very predictably ,is of course, trudge on, swallow the bile rising in your throat, the blank state of your thoughts, the depressing monotony of your actions, your sarcastic observations of highly "enthused" friends or strangers and the irritable dark cloud in your mind that says every ones fucking up things as usual. What do you do when nothing appeals to you in life? what do you do when you realize that you are not passionate about things which you thought you were born to do?What do you do when you know that the intellectuals in your crowd are as bland as you are?..Trudge on? Where to?

You don't want to take life seriously, believe me, you don't...and yet going with the flow is so passe, even though you acknowledge that more or less you are doing the damn thing.All you can hope for is that something re-ignites that flame and you find that there are some avenues you hadn't noticed...unless there is the nagging thought that these are longer routes that eventually reach a dead end anyway.Probably the same brick wall..who knows?

Fine, you don't look inside, you get only black holes inside that screw your space-mind continuum anyway, look elsewhere for hope, for inspiration.
Yeah you see Dark Knight and appreciate its cynicism, but hullo, its a dark tribute to a dark screwed up anti hero lifestyle anyway. Or you proclaim that Transformers came again, made you hold your breath to the end again...but then you really really wanted it to, you wouldn't have forgiven it if it had been a damp squib, the final emotion being relief cause it finally met some expectations you had set. Why movies all of a sudden? simple, they are the alternate worlds that we can escape to and indulge in cause your world aint working right brother.And they have come time and again to rescue you from the pits of drudgery but now they come few and far between.Hell ,when a twenty year old still talks about The Shawshank Redemption or Aladdin with reverence, you know that the current cloud of imagination is lacking something.

I have a miniature solution, works once in a while, but still does, mind you..listen to soundtracks of movies and let your mind run free in the shower.If someone told me that Einstein got it right when he was in the shower, i for one ,would be least surprised.

I'll let you in on a little secret about this blog, it initially started out as a search to find out spots of bright aspects of life to cling on to.But i asked myself so many questions that overwhelmed me that i have no idea why i started this as a happy or light string of thoughts!..Cheers mate..

The trick is to keep breathing i suppose...that quote is not original but I'll add this bit myself, not to ask too many Why's, a little perhaps, not always.Dont question your decisions always or after every other bend of the road...realize that once you had taken this decision ..any decision..for a reason, and that reason, even if you have forgotten it now was good enough to set you on this path with a smile on your face and fire in your heart.As Jobs says, you can only connect the dots looking back, not looking ahead.So trust yourself and drink up my maties yo-ho!